Madad Ali Sindhi directs to repair facilities in IMCG, Saidpur Village

ISLAMABAD, Aug 25 (APP): Caretaker Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training, Madad Ali Sindhi Friday issued directives to repair various infrastructures and related facilities in Islamabad Model College for Girls (IMCG), Saidpur Village.

During a surprise visit to IMCG, Saidpur Village, Madad Ali Sindhi expressed concern over the poor condition of the washrooms and water facilities during his visit to the school.

The minister directed the concerned Area Education Officer to issue a show cause notice and ordered that all the facilities especially, the water and washroom be repaired within two days.

The minister instructed that the development projects of the Public Sector Development Programme should be completed immediately. He also directed to construct the new classrooms to manage the increased number of students.

He emphasized that the transfers and postings of teachers should be strictly in accordance with the law.
He said that teachers should not be transferred or posted on the administrative side and they must do their work.

Madad Ali Sindhi asked questions from the students of Pakistan Studies and expressed satisfaction over their responses.

Encouraging the students, the minister said that it was a very good thing that students have knowledge about Pakistan.

The minister was shocked to hear that there was neither a finance officer nor a janitor in the school.